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Listening to learn

We are living in the information age and this implies that we are always exposed to information in one form or another. One of the ways in which we acquire information is through our ears. We need to not only hear information but to learn to listen carefully to understand how it relates to daily challenges. Mastering listening skills is important because the information acquired needs to be processed in the brain and used to enhance one's life. We choose which information we listen to as it is an active process and therefore this means we have the power to choose what we learn through listening.

People and radio

For you to learn through listening, you need to surround yourself with people who engage in conversations regarding the skills or knowledge you wish to acquire and build. Get a mentor who is willing to share information with you. You can also listen to radio shows that are relevant to your professional ambitions. Most radio presenters like to invite industry experts who are not only willing to share information but can also answer questions that one has regarding their professional.

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086 999 0123
072 204 5056
National Khetha Walk-in,
123 Francis Baard Street,

Our Partners

To become our partner, a formal agreement in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement or Implementation Protocol with DHET Career Development Services is required. For more information click here.